Hand Crafted Silver
Sterling Silver Pillarguri Pin
This Sterling Silver Pillar Guri Brooch is based on a famous Norwegian historical event. Scottish enlisted soldiers played an important role during the Halmar War. One party of Scots made its way relatively unhindered to Sljordal. Another group under the command of Capt. Sinclair landed at Romsdalsfjord and made their way over to Gudbrandsdal. Guri (a common female name), herding goats in the mountains, saw the company and blew her Prillar (horn) and warned the farmers of the approaching Scots. The farmers, armed with pitchforks and rocks, ambushed the soldiers. All but 18 of the Scots were killed. This happened on August 12, 1612 at Kringern. Captain Sinclair & some of the men made it back to Scotland. A few remained in Gudsbrandsdal where they married and had children. Many in the area can trace their lineage back to the Scots. The Brooch is insribed with the following: Pillar Guri gir Doslash;lerne signal ved Sinclair ankomst til Kringern 1612. Pillar Guri gives the valley men a signal at Sinclair arrival at Kringern in 1612. This piece - and pieces like it - typically become family heirlooms - passed down from grandmothers to grand daughters.